Tango Retreat & Festival

14.- 20.10.2024

Tango Retreat & Festival


milongas, workshops, 6-day beginner course, performances, concerts

with plenty of time for excursions, activities,
sightseeing or simply relaxing


Barbara Keran & Luka Lovric

Barbara and Luka are a dance couple running the ‘Tango Pasional’ dance school in Zagreb. They are both great admirers of Argentine tango. You will certainly enjoy their workshops and performance during the festival.

They perceive tango not only as a dance, but as a personal growth opportunity. It is an inspiration to always seek for more and better. They believe that everybody has a rhythm and everybody can dance. Passion and expressing emotions are the key element of tango. These things also can be learned and Barbara and Luka insist upon it from the day one.

They are eternal students, happy when learning new stuff, thus perfecting themselves along the way. They enjoy delivering their knowledge to students, keeping in mind that tango is also a mental process. Their energy and love for tango are contageous and inspiring.

Together, they attended workshops, seminars and took private lessons from the greatest tango maestros. Some of them are: Rosa Forte & Carlos Pérez, Mariana Montes & Sebastián Arce, Vanesa Villalba & Facundo Piñero, Roxana Suarez & Sebastián Achaval, Agostina Tarchini & Sebastián Jimenez and many others…

Milos Miloradovic

Milos Miloradovic is a maestro, performer and choreographer with considerable experience, whose reputation reaches far beyond our region.

He learned from numerous European and Argentinian maestros. While learning tango, he also developed his unique teaching skills. With these skills and his kind personality he conquers the hearts of his students wherever he goes.

During the Konavle Tango Retreat and Festival, he is running a 6-day beginner tango course.


Dj team


The afternoon mini milongas on tuesday, wednesday and sunday will be a part of organized trips and will be held at different locations. Registration is required for trips. After registering, you will receive full information about the planned trips via e-mail.

milonga de bienvenida
+ Concert by Aleksandar & Ivana (Beltango)

20:00- 23:00
milonga AMIGABLE

20:00- 23:00
milonga cavtat

Afternoon milongA

milongA Konavle

15:00- 19:00
Afternoon milonga

21:00- 02:00
Gala milonga
+ performance

15:00- 19:00
Afternoon milonga

21:00- 02:00
Gala Milonga
Performance by Barbara Keran & Luka Lovric

9:30- 17:00
special program
Folklore, dining and dancing to live music


Guided practicas are included in milonga fees.

14.10. Monday
17:00- 18:30
beginner workshop
free entrance
milos Miloradovic
15.10. tuesday
17:00- 18:30
beginner workshop
milos Miloradovic
19:00- 20:00
guided practicA
free with milonga pass
milos Miloradovic
16.10. wednesday
17:00- 18:30
beginner workshop
milos Miloradovic
19:00- 20:00
guided practica
free with milonga pass
milos Miloradovic
17.10. thursday
17:00- 18:30
beginner workshop
milos Miloradovic
19:15- 20:45
workshop 1
Tango: using attractive forms in harmony with rythm and melody - various examples
milos Miloradovic
18.10. friday
15:30- 17:00
workshop 2
Flexibility of embrace: from open to close
Luka & barbara
17:15- 18:15
Workshop 3
Milonga, all levels: diversity of milongas and space for creativity
milos Miloradovic
19:00- 20:30
beginner workshop
milos Miloradovic
19.10. saturday
13:45- 15:15
workshop 4
Giro in close embrace
luka & barbara
15:30- 17:00
workshop 5
Unexpected barridas
luka & barbara
17:15- 18:45
workshop 6
Tango vals: cadena, slow and fast, changing intensity
milos Miloradovic
19:00- 20:30
beginner workshop
milos Miloradovic


Contains all daily and night milongas as well as practicas before evening milongas at the beginning of the week.

super early bird
12 July - 21 July
80 EUR
early bird
22 July - 15 August
90 EUR
when registered
16 August - 10 October
100 EUR


Contains 3 daily and 3 night milongas from Thursday to Saturday

super early bird
12 July - 21 July
65 EUR
early bird
22 July - 15 August
70 EUR
when registered
16 August - 10 October
80 EUR


Daily trips with lunch and mini milongas
Details after registering
Details after registering
Evening milonga
Free entrance
10 EUR
10 EUR
Daily milonga
10 EUR
10 EUR
10 EUR
Night milonga
20 EUR
25 EUR
Maestros show
25 EUR
Maestros show


Daily trips with lunch and mini milongas
Details after registering
Details after registering
Evening milonga
Free entrance
15 EUR
15 EUR
Daily milonga
15 EUR
15 EUR
15 EUR
Night milonga
25 EUR
30 EUR
Maestros show
30 EUR
Maestros show


Super early bird
Early bird
At the door
18 EUR
20 EUR
25 EUR
30 EUR

Festival fee depends upon the content you choose to participate with. Daily excursions are not included in the registration fee.

After registering you will get a confirmation mail and instructions for payment. There is no possibility of a refund, but it is possible to transfer your fee to another person after consulting with the organizers.

Excursions schedule with detailed information are going to be published at a later time. Every registered participant is going to get it via email as well. The organizer makes arrangements for transportation and negotiates reduced prices of tickets and menus at restaurants which each person then pays directly to the providers of the service. Signing in for excursions is obligatory for organisational purposes.

Registration closes on october 10



Location of all workshops, beginner school included, is:
Culture house Cavtat

One exception is a Workshop 1 on Thursday which will be held at Culture house in Čilipi right before evening milonga.


Milonga and concert location at the beginning of the week is:
Culture house Cavtat

Location of all milongas on Thursday, Friday and Saturday is:
Culture house Čilipi


Daily activities consist of mini excursions so you get to know the Konavle area including our fabulous beaches.
Details about each day shall be published in due time.

This is also an opportunity to get to know each other, create bonds and an atmosphere of kindness and acceptance in our diverse tango community.

Be sure to bring your swimming suits and shoes good for walking and dancing on various surfaces.

Each day we go to a different area and a different restaurant for lunch. You will get to know the best of our local cuisine and the heartwarming hospitality of local entrepreneurs who put their hearts and souls into the food they are preparing.

You need to sign up for daily activities because of transportation and lunch arrangements. After registering for the festival, you shall get a detailed plan via email and let us know about the ones you are interested in.








When looking for accomodation take into account the location of main festival activities. Konavle is a rural area. Having your own transportation gives you more choices according to your liking. If you do not have a car, Čilipi, Zvekovica and Cavtat are going to be a wise choice. Taxi services are available at any time. There is a possibility of organizing transportation for more people to/from events at the same time.

The Tourist board website provides plenty of accomodation options.
This is link to private accommodation:

and hotel accommodation:

Here is the list of accommodation that provide reduced prices for festival participants. In order to get a discount, contact the owners directly and let them know you are coming to the festival.

Villa Tiha, Cavtat, contact: Katja Bošković-Gazdović: mob: 098743347:
mail: villatiha@gmail.com

Hotel Konavle, Čilipi, contact: Djivo Božinović: tel. 20441700,
mail: hotelkonavle@gmail.com

Apartments Olea, Cavtat, contact: Kristina Glavinjak Korić: mob: 0995102995,
mail: info@duvacation.com

Villa Sole i Villa Magnolia, Cavtat, contact: Ivona Rajčević: mob: 098427128,
mail: ivona.rajcevic@du.t-com.hr

Villa Pattiera, Cavtat, contact: Andrea: tel. 020478800,
mail: info@villa-pattiera.hr

Apartment Marita, Čilipi, contact: Dinko Krilanović,
mail: krilanovicdinko@gmail.com

If you have any questions, feel free to ask at konavle.tango.dream@gmail.com and we shall help as much as we can.

" For me, Konavle was simply an area I would pass through on my way from Dubrovnik to Montenegro. Considering that I am a tourist guide, I am familiar with the general course of history of this area, I am familiar with some of the more important personalities and difficult periods that the people of this region went through. I knew something about the culture, tradition, agricultural products, rivers, Konavosko polje and that was it. ...what a superficial experience...

I have realized the depth of my ignorance when I began to live in Konavle, when I began to discover the beauty of pearls, scattered across the Konavle field and hills. Of course, I fell in love. And stayed longer than planned.

The people of this region are particularly kind and accommodating. In a very short time, I became friends with all the "at-the-market" people. Wonderful local fruit and vegies, local cheese and fresh fish ... and all at a lower price than in Dubrovnik. So, the food is tastier, healthier and cheaper, plus you buy it from the people who produced it. With warmth in their eyes, they choose for you the best that is in front of you. Do you understand what I am writing about? And an additional bonus is that the waiter remembers you and what kind of coffee you drink - already after the second visit. Of course, you have no problems finding and paying for the parking, there are no crowds or smog - you are in the heart of the Mediterranean as it once was. With the bonuses of paved roads, electricity, water and internet. And peace. Lots of peace. Could it be better?

To access the beaches, you definitely need a car or motorcycle. And be prepared to walk from the parking lot to the beach itself and back. However, the reward is immediate and inspires your admiration in two directions: First and obviously, you will remain fascinated by the beauty of Pasjača beach, Radovčići and other beaches because of their - but literally - unique beauty. In the other direction, your admiration will fly towards the enormous effort of the people, who with their means and labor broke the access to the beach through the rocks, and then poured the concrete steps. All that concrete was mixed by hand, carried on the arm and poured into molds - step by step. This is a beach access only. Not to mention the digging of roads, the construction of dry walls and houses, the rerouting of rivers and the incredible amount of work in the fields. I have nothing but admiration for the diligence and perseverance of the people of Konavle.

As in the entire wider area, Europe and the whole world, the past here was also marked by violence. Unfortunately. But despite this, local people radiate cheerfulness and incredible strength and will to live.

Konavle hills are a story in themselves. Climb to the viewpoint above Cavtat and you will be rewarded with a cartoon view! To the east, Konavosko polje in the full beauty of its cultivated tameness. Dubrovnik airport, although on the top of the hill, rises to the southeast below you, as if sitting on the palm of your hand. And further to the southwest, Cavtat with its two peninsulas and sheltered harbors - literally looks like a postcard. Only much more beautiful and quite realistic. Protecting the city of Cavtat, there are the islands; Mrkan, Bobara, Supetar, and further to the west - you can see all the way to Dubrovnik and beyond: over to the Elafiti islands... You can see Kalamota, Saint Andrew! Just to sit there on a stone warmed by the sun and let your soul float over the sea - you need nothing else. You naturally go into a meditative state. Without words in your head, you see before you the beauty that simply is; just as a dog or a seagull sees the world around them.

When you enter the villages in the Konavle hills, when you pass the asphalted road over the old railway line, when the southern view of the Konavle field opens up to you in its full width - you are simply left speechless. I'm writing to you about walking the road, along which medicinal plants grow next to each other. Bees, grasshoppers, hornets, praying mantises, butterflies... they are all happy in existence and buzzing around, full of life and unaware of any pesticides and chemicals.

Is there a better place to tango?

Tango is a touch, tango is an encounter, tango is a hug. Touch this pure nature around you. Connect with it and you will connect with yourself. Embrace the air in your mind, as a seagull embraces it in flight. You will fly high and far, and when you land (deservedly hungry) for a Konavle dinner and a glass of wine - you are completely ready to continue your flight in a tango embrace. And that is possible at the Konavle tango festival. Enjoy the milongas, may each tanda bring you unity in movement. Get involved in the workshops and bring the newly acquired knowledge to the milonga the same evening. Form wonderful new dancing couples and wonderful new acquaintances.

I wish you an unforgettably pleasant stay in Konavle and in the embrace of tango."

A random passerby